
Developing a Pervasive Process Safety Culture in Asia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 40th Ann. Conv., 2016

It is broadly accepted that accidents have their origin in behavioural dynamics throughout the life cycle of a product, project or organisation, and the relationship between behaviours of operational, engineering & contracted personnel and the behaviours of their leaders is well understood. A sustained step-change in Process Safety performance will only be achieved through changing the behaviours of personnel operating at all levels of an organisation. Their behaviours will change if, and only if, there is a sustained shift in the engagement of organizational leaders in driving Process Safety performance. The culture that exists within an organisation, whether at the macro (large-scale) or micro (team / department) level has a significant impact on the way People, Plant and Process interact and, as a result, the performance that can be achieved during these interactions.

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