
Geology of East Benakat oil field, S. Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 5th Ann. Conv., 1976

The East Benakat field is an elongate structural high trending in a NW - SE direction. A reverse fault dissects the structure and the downthrown part, on the West is again affected by a secondary compensating fault.The drilling of 26 wells on this structure has shown the presence of Talang Aka reservoir in the upthrown block, all with different oil water contacts.Hydrocarbon have also been discovered in limestones of the Baturaja Formation in the downthrown block of the structure, where the Talang Akar sands are dry.Petroleum occurrence in the upthrown block is structurally controlled. this is not the case in the downthrown block in which a combination of structure and stratigraphy is responsible for trapping hydrocarbons.Faulting is also considered to be a significant factor controUig the present mode of petroleum Occurrence in this field.

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