
Maximizing Emergency Preparedness with Employee Involvement

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 41st Ann. Conv., 2017

Central Processing Area (CPA) is an Operational Site to produce oil and gas from Handil field, operated by TOTAL E&P Indonesie. It was built 42 years ago with its peak production around 200,000 BPD of oil in 1977. Today CPA produces in average 18,000 BPD of oil and 15 MMsfcd of gas. As a mature site, the production decline and effects cost culture. CPA management decided not to have a dedicated emergency response team, and prefers to add the capability of existing team with additional knowledge related to emergency response. There are several departments working in CPA such as production, maintenance, inspection, etc. Having employee involvement in emergency response, the team can make the right decision in case of emergency intervention. For example, an emergency case where a fire occurs due to a turbine-engine exploded may need specific knowledge from production and maintenance team. To improve the team skill and knowledge, CPA conducts regular drill and exercise. The regular drill is done every week, covering firefighting, confined space rescue, oil boom deployment, etc. Each drill is performed in 2 sessions. 1st session is theoretical and the 2nd session is field practical. While, the emergency exercise is conducted every month with case such as gas leak at pipe rack, fire at wellhead platform, oil spill, etc. This paper will discuss how CPA, a 42 years old Oil & Gas Production Installation, manages its Emergency Response preparedness by involving their employees. It will describe the benefits of the decision, and identify some drawbacks that need to be controlled for effectiveness of the Emergency Response.

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