
Talang Akar coals-Ardjuna subbasin oil source

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 14th Ann. Conv., 1985

Talang Akar coals are identified as the primary source rocks for the Ardjuna subbasin oil and gas.Analysis of oil samples from the first oil discovery well, E-1, in 1969 showed the crude oil to have a high wax con tent, suggesting a land plant origin. Geochemical investigations by 1977 had delineated the deltaic sequence of the Talang Akar formation as the only oil source. Subsequent detailed observations and analyses establish the coals within the Talang Akar deltaic member as the ma jor source rock. lnvestigations now underway should determine the best oil-prone macerals within the coals and hence the most generative coal facies and their distribution.Utilization of refined source rock data will reduce future exploration risk by pinpointing remaining high potential areas.

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