
3D software application to mature fields of the internal axis of the Mahakam Delta

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 30th Ann. Conv., 2005

Handil and Tambora fields are two mature fields located in the internal axis of the Mahakam delta. Within these multi-layered fields, the sedimentary series is composed of deltaic sediments. Handil and Tambora are essentially an oil field and a gas field respectively. In both fields, the hydrocarbon column reaches 2000 to 3000 meters. On Handil, production started in 1975 and tertiary oil recovery techniques have been applied in the oil pool. On Tambora, gas production started in 1989, and water rise is now observed in the upper reservoirs. The geological complexity and the production history render the reservoir behavior difficult to understand. Until now, the understanding of the fields relied on correlations and sets of 2D maps. On Handil, the latest wells drilled show a remaining potential in the oil pool. On Tambora, the deep reservoirs require a development with horizontal wells. With the number of wells planned in the next few years, a thorough understanding of the reservoirs in 3D as well as regular and fast updates of the model is necessary. 2D maps are insufficient to satisfy these needs.A full-field 3D model is seen today as the best means to answer the Assets major objectives. The first step is to create a 3D “MASTER PROJECT for each field into which all existing 2D data, wells and surface data is placed. The second step is to make all the existing horizons consistent in 3D. The third step is to construct workflows in order to render updates of the model automatic.The advantages of a 3D model include efficient implementation and screening of wells, ease of integrated studies, involving geology and reservoir engineering, and well preparation and testing of various scenarios, for example, when planning a horizontal well. The 3D model is therefore seen as an ideal integration tool.

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