
A Case History: High Productivity Seismic Data Acquisition Using Bp’s ISS® (Independent Simultaneous Source) with Triple Source Vessels In 3D Tangguh Seismic Node Survey

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 43rd Ann. Conv., 2019

Simultaneous source acquisition is an effective method for reducing project cycle time and improving the quality of Ocean Bottom seismic surveys through the utilization of two or more source vessels. Sources are dithered in time relative to-one-another to support separation. Once separated, the data can be processed conventionally, and benefit naturally from the improved sampling. In order to test the methodology, an existing 3D OBC dataset was realistically pseudo-blended and then de-blended. The efficiency was proven, and the results were used to design an ultra-high trace density and wide azimuth survey, with the source lines positioned 50m apart, parallel to receiver lines with 25m shot point interval to double trace density without detrimentally impacting source vessel productivity (Abma R. et al., 2011; Lewis B. et al., 2016). The survey design also incorporated a very large node inventory of 8600 nodes deployed in a dense template of 200m by 50m, with long receiver lines of 14.7km, which was required to match the source gains achieved by ISS� and also to provide superior data quality (Manning T.A et al., 2017). The acquisition began in August 2017 using three source vessels (two dual source boats and one single source each with identical source arrays). On its best day, the crew acquired ~20,000 shot points (SP), which equates to 7 sq. km per day. Implementation of BP; ISS� technology in the 3D Tangguh Seismic produced images that were better than conventional seismic surveys, with reduced cycle time and at a lower cost.

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