
A contribution to the study of reservoirs using seismic data

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 8th Ann. Conv., 1979

Defining the structural configuration of a prospect is a ooinmon problem in exploration. The problem becomes even more difficult when exploration is faced with the subtle combination of structural and stratigraphic traps. In the North West Java Basin, such a problem exists in the Kandanghaur Cemara prospects, where hydrocarbons are trapped in carbonate build-ups in the Cibulakan Formation and in a porous conglomeratic type of the Jatibarang Volcanic Formation.An intensive seismic data interpretation was carried out to study the extent and distribution of these reservoirs and to work out a guide-line using seismic reflection character wliich may be used in exploring other prospects. The conventional interpretation technique used in the study is supported by the quantitativeanalysis of reflection character carried out in data processing.The result of the study proved that apart from giving significant contribution to the geologic picture of the producing reservoirs, the method made possible the use of seismic data to its maximum profitablity in extracting geologic information, which could not be obtained from mere qualitative analysis.The study was made possible because of the high quality of the scismic data in the area and the consistent field efforts carried out in data acquisition to make the data compatible with the purpose of the work.

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