
A Laboratory Experimental and Reservoir Simulation Estimation on Minimum Miscible Pressure (MMP) for CO2 Injection in HIL Oil Field

Proceedings Title : Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association, Digital Technical Conference, 14-17 September 2020

As one of the Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods, CO2 injection is one of the methods used after secondary recovery to increase oil recovery. Based on the successful application of CO2 injection in some countries and the need of fulfillment of energy demand in Indonesia, CO2 injection can be the best method to be used for EOR. This method injects CO2 that has been observed in the laboratory through injection well to reservoir. In the reservoir, CO2 gas will be miscible with oil to decrease oil’s viscosity. But, to be miscible with oil and to avoid the reservoir problem, the Minimum Miscible Pressure (MMP) must be observed in the laboratory. Moreover, a reservoir simulation investigation must be performed to get a promising result. In this paper, the laboratory experimental and reservoir simulation on MMP to achieve CO2 gas miscibility on oil sample from HIL oil field has been performed. The MMP result from the laboratory experiment is 2385 psia and is increasing oil recovery up to 85% while the MMP from reservoir simulation is 2404 psia. With the differential value of just 19 psia or error of 0. 89%, this finding can be the basis for a recommendation to develop a CO2 project in the HIL oil field.

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