
An Integrated Sequence Stratigraphic Approach and Depositional Facies Analysis of the Talang Akar Formation in the Jambi Merang Area, Jambi Sub-Basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

The Talang Akar Formation is expected to be a deeper play in the Jambi Merang Area that has not been intensively explored or studied yet. This paper aims to define the depositional facies of the Talang Akar Formation by using a sequence stratigraphic approach based upon the integration of six basic data sets, including well log responses, core, seismic facies, biostratigraphy, eustatic cycle chart, and outcrop data as analogue. This approach is effective for recognizing the depositional environment and for predicting reservoir distribution. Obtaining an understanding of basin configuration is the first thing to do to evaluate the geological setting of the Talang Akar Formation since the sequence stratigraphy principles are very close to the depositional trends which are controlled by the interplay of sedimentation and base-level shifts. The area of investigation can be divided into 3 focused areas that are the North Area, South Area and Gelam Area. In general, there are 3 depositional sequences in the Talang Akar Formation which started by low systems tract consisting of fluvial channel and overbank deposits which are only well developed in the North and Gelam Area whereas in the South Area are absent (SB-1/28 M.y.a). Then the area was covered by transitional deposits consisting of swamp, tidal estuarine and shoreface deposits as part of transgressive systems tract (SB-2/24 M.y.a). The last stage of the Talang Akar Formation is a highstand systems tract consisting of inner – middle neritic deposits which are characterized by shale dominated (SB-3/23 M.y.a). From this study, it concludes that the area surrounding the North and Gelam Areas show promise for further work to generate prospects in low systems tract of fluvial environment with a combination between stratigraphic and structural trap.

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