
Applying quick look techniques to ensure accurate reserve assessments

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 38th Ann. Conv., 2014

Drilling and development decisions represent investments of tens to hundreds of millions of dollars. These decisions require an accurate assessment of the expected reserves. Accurate reserve estimates in turn require geologically valid and geometrically possible interpretations and maps. Yet virtually all maps generated in a workstation are wrong. Gridding and contouring will shift an interpreter’s picks, resulting in maps that no longer reflect the interpretation. Additionally, computer contouring packages cannot contour correctly across faults. Finally, many interpreters are unaware of the many methods and techniques needed to make valid geologic interpretations and accurate maps. As a result, many of the structure contour maps used to justify well locations or book reserves are wrong, frequently so wrong that the final map is geologically and geometrically impossible. This, in turn, often leads to a company drilling dry holes or booking reserves that are inaccurate, often leading to reserve write-downs. Interpreters and managers need a means to quickly review the final maps and interpretations to ensure their validity before making investment decisions. Quick Look Techniques (QLTs) are a means to validate your interpretations and maps to help ensure accurate reserve estimates and to reduce the number of dry holes. QLTs are based on the understanding of the geology being interpreted, and of the technical tools and methods required to do sound exploration and production work. The application of QLTs is, in essence, a “retro-engineering” of the interpretation and maps to ensure that they are valid. In other words, the application of QLTs is a form of self-audit. Interpreters and mangers who apply QLT’s drill fewer dry holes and make more accurate reserve assessments than interpreters or managers who accept the maps that come out of the workstation without question.

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