
Area-1 squeezed leak handling: a case study in implementing a mechanical packer assembly at Minas Field, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 32nd Ann. Conv., 2008

Commingled Sands Completion is a common strategy exploited to achieve maximum oil production from a newly-developed oil or gas field. With reservoir pressure peaking as high as its original value, hydrocarbons can flow as anticipated. Throughout a production period, the layers of a hydrocarbon field with higher permeability will deplete more quickly than layers with relatively lower permeability. At a later stage, another completion strategy will be required to optimize remaining oil production from such layers. Single sand completion then becomes the best alternative. This strategy does, however, require additional efforts to isolate depleted zones. The most familiar method used for such isolation is known as squeezed-cementing. In the Minas oil field, in addition to the squeeze cement job, the Cup Packer Assembly (CPA) is also a common choice. One major draw back of this application is that CPA exhibits a higher tendency to leak. This paper presents a study of an alternative method applicable for zonal isolation, employing a Mechanical Packer Assembly (MPA). The scope of this study is not limited to mechanical packer application, but also includes well candidacy, design & installation, the monitoring process, potential economic impact, and offers a reservoir management strategy. MPA application in the B2 Sand of Minas Area-1 has increased reservoir pressure, boosted oil production and reduced rig time (which saves work-over job costs).

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