
Asset Tagging and Line Number Automation: A Cloud-Based Application System Used for Identification and Registering of Tag and Line Numbers of Equipment, Components, Device, and Valves

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

All equipment in a facility, plant or pipeline system shall be identified with unique labels and tag numbers in a consistent manner. EMCL has used a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) to locate information, track repair histories, develop historical cost indices, and other predefined requirements. This software is intended for managing maintainable items starting from planning, purchasing, and maintaining until reporting. However, for non-maintainable & new items, it is difficult to track using CMMS. This paper will explain how EMCL builds a cloud-based application to register tag and line numbers of equipment, components, devices, and valves in order to comply with the company's guidelines requirements and simplify the process by implementing the guidelines’ algorithm so that no manual validation is required. The metadata of the application is enriched which enables the tag number and line number connected to each other so that users can easily find what pipes or devices are connected before and after the specific equipment. In addition, each tag or line number has detailed information including a hyperlink to the referenced documents i.e. P&ID and Data Sheets as well as the status of the Critical and Equipment Strategy. Besides the technical aspects, this paper will also highlight the importance of having an automation system for identification and registering of tag and line numbers for equipment, component, device, and valves for maintainable or non-maintainable items. Finally, the paper will conclude with the benefits of the system due to the cost efficiency, productivity, and collaboration enhancement among the cross-functional team.

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