
AVO analysis and simultaneous inversion of SPEC survey data in Arafura Sea

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 32nd Ann. Conv., 2008

A major trend in the industry is the merging of AVO and Inversion Technology. AVO uses prestack amplitude information to infer fluid content, and Inversion traditionally analyzes post-stack data to derive acoustic impedance volume.Spec Survey was carried out by PT Veritas DGC Mega Pratama in the Arafura Sea, West Irian, in February 2000. The available Kola-1 well in that area was drilled to its target total depth 14.300 ft (4862 m) (KB) and did prove the absence of hydrocarbon in commercial quantities, but also showed that there are some good reservoirs in the Buru Formation.To further check the hydrocarbon content, methods of combining AVO Analysis and Simultaneous Inversion were used. AVO Attribute Analysis for example, Intercept (A), Gradient (B), Sign (A*B) and Fluid Factor show indication between type of fluids, saturation and lithology for different responses are presented. Simultaneous Inversion of stacked seismic data and control wavelet from partial stack (near and far) gives the P-Impedance, S Impedance, Density and Vp/Vs volume. Lambda- Mu-Rho parameters can also be derived from the Simultaneous Inversion results.Volumes of Zp, Zs, and Density show low impedance value at CDP 19098-19536, and 19092- 18884. While the volume of Vp/Vs value of about 1.5 at CDP 19092-18884 is anomalous. Low Lambda-Rho value and high Mu-Rrho value also exist in CDP 19092-18884. Results from Crossplot Lambda-Rho and Mu-Rho can separate clearly the effect of lithology and fluid (gas), at CDP 19092- 18884 North-ward from well Kola-1 position.

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