
Bacteria mitigation and monitoring in IIAPCO's waterfloods and production facilities

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 13th Ann. Conv., 1984

The presence of sulfate reducing bacteria in waterflood and produced fluids can cause grave corrosion problems. Successful bacterial mitigation is possible by selecting the most effective biocide, applying that biocide properly, and by utilizing all available monitoring techniques.Presented will be types of bacterial contamination, with an analogy to observed bacteria in IIAPCO's sea waterfloods and produced fluids. This will be succeeded by a review of current bacteria testing and monitoring techniques, with application in IIAPCO's systems. Of special interest will be a review of Robbin's Plug results and Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) biomass findings.Biocide types, biocide effect, and biocide selection techniques will be reviewed. Methods for the selection of IIAPCO's bacteriacides and environmental considerations wJl be presented.

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