
Banyu Urip Journey to Zero Routine Flaring

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 47th Ann. Conv., 2023

ExxonMobil has a strong commitment in reducing environmental impact including carbon emission. As Indonesia has been one of the largest carbon emitters with 2.45 tons CO2/capita and industry sector contributes to 32.4 million tons CO2 or 2.2% compared to other sectors in carbon emission (ourworldindata, 2019), ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) through Banyu Urip Central Production Facility took an initiative to achieve zero routine flare commitment. This aligns with the government of Indonesia pledged to independently cut emissions level by 29% or 41% with international support according to 2015 Paris Agreement by 2030. Zero routine flaring project was a long journey with several measures to achieve the target. A comprehensive study for facility reliability and performance improvement were executed to reduce the flaring. Unit shutdown optimization includes integration of maintenance and project activities also contributed to the routine flaring reduction. Other efforts in lowering flare such as inspection optimization, fugitive emission and diesel fuel consumption revalidation equally support cumulative carbon emission reduction. In addition to those efforts, flaring rate and carbon emission are included in key performance indicator (KPI) that should be monitored and reported on daily and weekly basis respectively. Management involvement in monitoring, evaluating, and optimizing the flare reduction plays an important role to emphasize the urgency of this initiatives to the organization. Enhancing those initiatives, ExxonMobil also has a solid commitment to comply with the Regulation of Energy and Mineral Ministry No 17/2021 to continuously optimize the flaring volume and to regularly report the result. Ultimately, EMCL has achieved zero routine flaring with the total flaring reduction of more than 12 MMSCFD or 80% lower compared to post startup of Banyu Urip Production Facilities in 2016.

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