
Best practice well candidate selection for workover

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 38th Ann. Conv., 2014

Kurau (K) Field is located within the Padang Island of Malacca Strait Block, Riau Province, Sumatra. The field has already been producing oil for 23 years. The current well status is 33 producing wells and 15 shut in wells. As a mature oilfield, production in the K Field declined rapidly due to an increase in water cut. To manage this production decline, additional infill wells are needed. Another way to improve production in the existing wells is through work over program consisting of squeeze cement, well integrity, fishing job, and zone isolation to optimize and maintain oil production. Before 2009, the workover program often failed as no risk factors were accounted for during the calculated economic analysis and additional CO log data. This finding led to develop a method for selecting the best well candidates and to rank each candidate for workover. The input parameter method/criteria was based on Open Hole log, RST log, workover history, WO type, geological analysis, and chance of success. This method reduced workover failure and costs successfully and maintained oil production at 16% per year. This paper will describe the method for selecting wells for workovers, including well candidate selection criteria, economic analysis, well economic limit calculation based on pump life, and well candidate ranking.

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