
Case Study: geomechanical Analysis in Batanghari Block, Jambi Sub-Basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 34th Ann. Conv., 2010

CNOOC Batanghari block is located on the northwestern part of Jambi Sub-Basin, on an up thrown side of Tembesi-Setiti Fault. Kenangan-1, completed on November, 2009, had been drilled Pre-Tertiary Basement where the fractures are more developed. DST shows the gas production is controlled by fracture. The objective of our study is to characterize the target fracture distribution by Geomechanical analysis in the 2D seismic survey. Combined structure interpretation and lithology parameters including the velocity and density of target layer generated by acoustic inversion help us to calculate the Geomechanical parameters including maximum horizontal principle stress, theorientation of principle stress, curvature andmaximum horizontal principle strain and inferredthe tectonic fracture distributions occurredprobability in the study target layer.The study indicates two sets tectonic fractures in thetarget layer in Batanghari Block, the SE-NW andSSW-NNE. respectively. The tectonic fracturedeveloped in Kenangan-1, and the orientation of fracture in well location is SSW-NNE. The EMI of Kenangan-1, demonstrated the orientation of maximum horizontal principle stress is E-W, proved the reliability of our geo-mechanical analysis results.Geomechanical analysis is one of efficient methods that can characterize tectonic fractures quickly in exploration block which only has 2D seismic data.

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