
Characteristics of turbidite deposits of Halang Formation based on outcrops and thin section petrography descriptions in Cisanggarung River, Kuningan, West Java

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 35th Ann. Conv., 2011

Cisanggarung River extends from the south of Kuningan to the estuary on the north coast of Java. Good rock outcrops upstream Cisanggarung River can be used as models for subsurface rocks. The outcrop is called Halang Formation.Halang Formation comprises upper bathial turbidite sediments of Middle Miocene to Early Pliocene age. This formation comprises tuffaceous sandstone, conglomerate, marl, and claystone. The lower part is andesite breccia (Kastowo & Suwarna, 1996).Turbidite deposits are produced by turbidite flows. The hallmark of this sediment has been described simply by Bouma (1962), known as the Bouma Sequence. Turbidite deposition usually occurs in submarine fans. Walker (1978) divides turbidite deposition models into four facies associations, those are channel feeder, upper fan, middle fan, and lower fan. This paper reports the study to determine facies characteristics and rock properties from proximal to distal turbidites of Halang Formation with application to deepwater turbidite oil fields.Based on the observations of outcrops along Cisanggarung River, the exposures can be divided into two facies, those are the lower facies of turbidite fan and middle fan. Lower turbidite facies of the fan comprise alternating fine sandstone with claystone intervals Tb or Tc of Bouma sequence (distal turbidite). Middle fan facies comprise coarse to fine sandstones alternating with thin shale intervals Ta of Bouma sequence (proximal turbidite).Keywords: Turbidite, Halang Formation, Cisanggarung River

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