
Contribution to the stratigraphy of the Jiwo Hills and their southern surroundings (Central Java)

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 4th Ann. Conv., 1975

In the Jiwo Hills area Tertiary strata ranging in age from Middle Eocene lie upon outcropping pretertiary metamorphic basement. A well exposed sequence ranging up to Middle Miocene was studied and a good stratigraphic sub-division obtained, mainly by utilising the planktonic foraminifera. An Eocene sedimentary sequence of late Ta (early - middle Eocene) and Tb (middle - late Eocene) is followed by a period without sedimentation but with volcanicity (probably late Oligocene to earlymost Miocene). Sedimentation however resumed to the South in late Oligocene (N2) and is continuous probably up to early mid Miocene (N9). A period of tectonism intervenes such that all older units are overlain angularly by later mid Miocene sediments (N12). No younger strata occur in the immediate area.

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