
Correlation between volume loss and API loss in the Jatibarang high pour point crude oil

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 15th Ann. Conv., 1986

The economic value of producing oil and gas depends upon their physical properties. It is of the. greatest importance to extract and handle our hydrocarbon reserves, allowing their production in such a way as to provide a maximum profit.When hydrocarbon flow from the reservoir to the surface they are subjected to varying conditions of pressure and temperature, with a change in their physical properties.The quality and quantity of stock tank oil recovery are dependent upon the physical properties of these hydrocarbons. The more hydrocarbon components are vaporized during the separation processes the lower the quality and quantity of hydrocarbon liquids recovered as stock tank oil, corresponding to a lower API degree in oil recovered.The investigation presented in this paper was performed to develop correlations for the essential properties of the Jatibarang oil production fluid as a function of their cornposition, temperature and pressure. This is part of an overall program to develop optimum operating conditions for handling the Jatibarang high pour point crude oil.

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