
Determining Well Growth in High Temperature Well by History Matching to the Production Data

Proceedings Title : PROCEEDINGS, INDONESIAN PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION, Forty-Fifth Annual Convention & Exhibition, 1 - 3 September 2021

In normal approach, well growth is predicted using simulation software based on well construction, reservoir fluid, pressure, and temperature data. In the new approach proposed in this paper, the well model was validated with the production data record by confirming the production rate, downhole and surface temperature. This validation process was carried out through history matching process. This validated model is then used for further analysis, including forecasting potential future well growth in the future. In order to get reliable data for model validation, the production data must be grouped in to several category based on flow rate and duration of flow. This is to ensure the well has produced long enough at certain rate until the well temperature has stabilized with very minimum changes. As the temperature stabilized and the well has reached steady state condition, the well growth measurement become more consistent. Through the history matching process, the forecast of well growth is closer to the actual measurement compare to the conventional method that is tend to be over estimates or under estimates. This paper will provide a comparison the existing method of determining growth in high temperature well, broaden the knowledge of the audience and the reader.

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