
Digital Transformation – Simplify and standardization Company Processes, Drive Efficiency and Impacting Business Processes

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 43rd Ann. Conv., 2019

As an employee, I define �Digital Transformation� as an initiative to simplify and standardize business processes through digitization. Digital strategies span the range from artificial intelligence and data science methods to IT tools for efficient information access, analysis, and reporting. Aligned with this initiative, we have worked to optimize current database systems to become more robust Systems of Record (SoR), reduce/eliminate low value time-intensive tasks performed by Operations, Maintenance, and Engineering, and leveraging these SoR; to simplify and standardize several existing business processes. Beginning in 2016, parallel with an internal reorganization, this initiative gained momentum since changes of organization design from asset-based to functional-based created opportunities to update and streamline business processes. Digital strategies was a specific part of this. The focus on �simplify� and �standardize� received strong leadership support which was another key to the success. Lastly, the readily available, visible, and clear tracking of performance metrics and highlighting of gaps for improvement reinforced the value created by moving to these IT tools and their improved functionality. Many of the digitization initiatives have driven efficiency and visibility improvements with positive impacts for the business unit, such as the following development and implementation of IT tools and SoR;: � Implemented RAR (Runtime, Availability, Reliability) reporting and tracking standardization across all facilities. � Reduced Operator time spent in reporting by establishing an automatic Morning Report and Online ORDC (Operator Routine Duty Check) Dashboard � Reduced Maintenance Planner time spent in reporting by establishing Maintenance and Reliability metrics online. � For Inspection group, we developed and deployed the IRR Tool (Inspection Recommendation & Reporting) to track inspection results and the associated follow-up actions. � For Reliability Engineering we developed tools to track equipment R-IIR (Equipment Reliability Incident Investigation & Reporting) and Water Injection Pump Reliability Dashboard. This journey is not over. In in the spirit of �Digital Transformation� we will continue to simplify and standardize other work processes to deliver more and more value. Digital transformation does not have to be use of �fancy� technology; by reviewing current business processes and optimizing with basic IT tools, visible dashboards, and automatic tracking, even simple digitization can provide large benefits to business performance.

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