
Dual ESP completion to reduce well-service costs in remote areas

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 24th Ann. Conv., 1995

The application of the Dual Electrical Submersible Pump (Dual ESP) Completion reduces well-service costs and production losses by decreasing well-service frequency. In a remote wellsite with no road access, helicopters are required to move the well-service rig and equipment to the location. The cost of helicopter rentals and wellsite preparation for the heli pad and drop pad, increases the costs of servicing remote wells. The extra time delay between an ESP failure and helicopters being available, also results in considerable production loss. To minimize both operating costs and production loss, it is necessary to minimize the well-service frequency. One solution is to install two ESPs in the well, so that when the first ESP fails the second ESP can be switched on immediately. The well would then require only one well-service after both ESPs have failed. From proven experience, Lasmo Oil (Malacca Strait) Ltd. (Lasmo) has been reducing well operating costs by modifying standard equipment to accommodate the Dual ESP completion.

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