
Effects of Short Cyclic Thermal Stimulation on Oil Gain and Water Cut in Two Areas in X Field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 43rd Ann. Conv., 2019

At the primary recovery of X field, the oil reserve that could be produced is only 7.5% of the total oil reserve. The low level of the productivity is predicted due to the influence of the deposition of organic deposits such as scale and paraffin which is result a blockage of fluid flow from the reservoir to the wellbore. The cyclic steam stimulation (CSS) method is done to increase the production of oil recovery by cleaning the liner. The effect of the cyclic steam stimulation (CSS) method could be seen by analysing the several parameters such as the Well Test Delay (WTD), the Well Head Temperature (WHT), and the Hydrocarbon Pore Pouch (HPT). While the success of the short cyclic stimulation could be seen by comparing the trends of water cut before the stimulation to the trends of water cut after the stimulation. The analysis was conducted at the area A and B in X Field. Based on the analysis, WC trend before job is critical factor in candidate selection in order to have successful job that result in increasing oil gain and decreasing water cut. Analysis showed that WC trend less than 95% statistically more successful than higher WC. Based on the analysis works it is concluded that, increasing oil gain and simultaneously decreasing the water cut after short cyclic stimulation when the WTD range is from 1 to 10 day, the WHT range is 180F to 210?F, the HPT value is greater than 5 ft giving.

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