
Empowering Society through Sustainable Community Development Programs

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 41st Ann. Conv., 2017

For over four decades in operation, Badak LNG has become an integral part of the Bontang community. It has consistently played an active role in empowering society through CSR, known as Community Development (COMDEV) programs since the Bontang municipality was a district. Nowadays, Badak LNG Comdev is mostly aimed at fostering self-reliance programs and community empowerment both economically and socially. Badak LNG explores systematic steps to implement sustainable Comdev programs, namely: Commit, Assess, Define, Implement, Measure and Communicate. Its commitment towards CSR programs is embodied in the Comdev policy which refers to the strategic issues in the community. Badak LNG authorizes an organization under the Corporate Communication Department that specifically implements the Comdev programs. It refers to the social mapping and involves all stakeholders (Participatory Rural Appraisal) in planning the programs. The field programs consistently refer to the strategic and work plans. The programs focus mainly on Empowerment and Capacity Building in addition to Charity and Infrastructure. To guarantee success, partnerships are maintained with multiple stakeholders in executing the programs. Three evaluation tools are applied to measure the success of the programs, namely, sustainability compass, community satisfaction index and exit strategy evaluation. Exit strategy is a tool to assess the readiness of the trained partners to be self reliant, both economically and socially. In the 2015/2016 period, there were 4 Comdev groups which were ready to exit and become a partner. As an example, KOCIBU, one of the groups, has become the supplier for employee’s uniforms. To share the value and be easily replicated, the success stories must be communicated through various selected channels such as scientific journals, books and participation in various awards. The award of PROPER Gold 6 times in a row in addition to patents for biscuits from crab shells and river water treatment for breeding catfish programs are examples that mark the monumental journey of the CSR Program of Badak LNG in empowering its surrounding community. Keywords: CSR, Sustainable, Community Development, Empowerment, PROPER Gold

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