
Environmentally safe disposal of drilling waste

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 20th Ann. Conv., 1991

Petroleum facilities should be designed and operated in a manner which minimises direct and indirect negative impact on the environment. Therefore, environmental considerations should be included throughout the project plannirig process, right from project conception up to project closure, including abandonment. In short, environmental considerations should be given priority from cradle to grave.Government policies, laws and regulations on environmental protection and conservation as well as broad international agreements on the subject must also be taken into account.With the above in mind, the Shell Companies in Indonesia have environmental protection and conscivation sccurcly crnbcddcd in thcir Health, Safety and Environment Policy. All the guidelines taken into consideration, .JOB Pertamina-Shell Madura kicked off theip exploration drilling campaign on Madura Island.As an example of the policy, the safe disposal of drilling waste at the locations has been planned from the initial stages of the project. Drilling mud/cuttings and other contaminated material (sludge) will be solidified. The technique used by JOB Pertamina-Shell Madura is simple and ctmt effective as well. It does not need highly skilled labour and neither does it need sophisticated equipment. All possible pollutant contents in the drilling waste will be encapsulatcd, rendering the treated drilling waste envirorlmentally safe. The treated drilling waste pits will be filled up with topsoil and returned to agricultural land use.

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