
Evaluation of seismic exploration in sub-volcanic reservoir area by synthetic seismic modeling

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

Seismic exploration in sub-volcanic areas is challenging, and Indonesia has many areas, and some, undoubtedly, have potential reservoirs hidden beneath. Some volcanic areas have proven hydrocarbons, there’s geological theory that causes volcanic areas could provide petroleum system, volcanic rocks may form lateral seals or migration barriers. However seismic exploration in volcanic areas is a challenge for the imaging, published examples of volcanic reflectors identifiable from seismic surveys are very sparse. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the seismic imaging of sub-volcanics by analyses of synthetic seismic responses. Another purpose is to explain why seismic data in volcanic zones have bad quality images, with some suggestions for improved resolution imaging. We use forward seismic modeling that is synthetic seismic modeling for the method of this study. Synthetic seismic reveals sub-volcanic reservoirs with different seismic responses, identified by response of absorption, attenuation, high contrast velocity, and illumination quality. After knowing the result, some suggestions are put forward about seismic survey design and seismic source to optimize recorded data for improved seismic imaging.

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