
Expandable cement system to prevent inter-zonal communication in Tunu field, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 38th Ann. Conv., 2014

Total E&P Indonesie (TEPI) has drilling operation in Tunu field which is located in Delta Mahakam, Kalimantan. Tunu field is a gas field which has been developed for decades. As an outcome of TEPI observation in Tunu, the percentage of flowing wells from the recent drilled wells is decreasing. Data showed that some wells after 2009 are skipped from perforation due to suspected channeling. To follow up this issue, TEPI did integrated study from drilling, cementing, and completion division. Specific issues in key wells were addressed to be studied further. As a part of this study, Schlumberger cementing team worked on those wells from cementing point of view. Data from suspected channeling data were gathered. Data included design, job execution data, and also logging result. Based on temperature record during Cement Bond Log (CBL), there is study that temperature anomaly which occurred could identify whether inter-zonal communication happened or not. After evaluation of logging result and current job execution process, this project took further step to propose expandable slurry system. This system is potential to close microannulus which may occured after cement set due to shrinkage of set cement.

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