
Extended Elastic Impedance (EEI) approach for Telisa sandstones reservoir characterization case study: Lambda-Mu-Rho (LMR) analysis

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 31st Ann. Conv., 2007

The lithology of the Telisa Sandstone reservoir interval at “xXx Field consists of shale, glauconitic calcareous sandstone and thin beds of limestone. The log responses of the Telisa Sandstone interval vary due to changes in mineralogy and hydrocarbon content. An integrated Extended Elastic Impedance (EEI) approach has been applied to identify the distribution, geometry and hydrocarbon content of the Telisa Sandstone. The optimum correlation coefficient between the EEI curve and “lambda-murho (LMR) parameters was calculated for ? ranging between -900 and 900. This allowed the definition of a projection reflectivities function by combining intercept and gradient stack from seismic data. The result was proportional to LMR parameters varying as a function of ?. Mu-Rho (µ?) can be used to distinguish lithology whereas Lambda-Rho (??) can be utilized to distinguish fluid content.In the Telisa Sandstone interval, we found that EEI(?=-440) Ëœ µ? and EEI(?=200) Ëœ ??. The inversion results show the Telisa Sandstone distributed along the seismic line, where high Mu- Rho values occur (greater than 9 GPa g/cc). Hydrocarbon (oil) anomalies were distributed around Wells “B and “A where low Lambda-Rho values (less than 13 GPa g/cc) were observed.

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