
Gas Commercialisation Strategy in Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 40th Ann. Conv., 2016

The understanding of domestic gas markets and obtaining sufficient information to determine the appropriate gas marketing strategy are crucial factors for asset operators to monetise their gas resources in Indonesia. This paper addresses the following key issues that are required to support gas commercialisation strategy in Indonesia: • Domestic gas supply-demand outlook in Indonesia Existing and potential gas domestic supply-demand including identifying the size and timing of potential market windows. • Gas infrastructure Existing and planned gas infrastructure in Indonesia including gas transmission pipelines and regas terminals. • Pricing Indicative gas prices to support project economics and costs of competitive fuels such as LNG. • Regulatory bodies and regulations Overview of Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) and domestic gas market value chain. Indonesia’s domestic gas demand growth outlook is positive. This is supported by growing economy, attractive gas pricing, improving gas infrastructure and Government’s support on domestic gas utilisation policies. By having an up‐to‐date market assessment and understanding of gas commercialisation key issues, the asset operators will be able to optimise their commercial strategy and to generate an integrated development plan to support gas sales process.

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