
Gas lift stability in the Kaji-Semoga Field in Rimau asset of Medco E & P Indonesia - case study.

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 32nd Ann. Conv., 2008

PT Medco E&P Indonesia's Kaji-Semoga field (Rimau Asset) utilizes "Gas Lift" as the artificial lift method at no less then 90% of their production well. This means that pressure & gas rate stability, as well as flow rate, has an important role in maintaining production performance. Pressure stability does not only depend on the Gas Compressors Operation, but it is also affected by the gas distribution system. This includes gas scrubbers, piping & valves, pipeline, control valves, gas lift chokes, and the orifice meter, among others, all of which contribute to pressure stability. An unstable gas lift pressure & gas rate will directly affect the production performance of the field. It is estimated that approximately 1,800 Bbls of oil over a span of 3 days was lost as a result of this problem. This paper will explain how pressure control valve response has a dominant effect on pressure & gas rate stability. The results of this study were ultimately implemented successfully in the Kaji-Semoga field.

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