
Geothermal exploration drilling and testing in Kamojang, West Java, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 5th Ann. Conv., 1976

The drilling of five geothermal exploration wells in Kamojang, on the western slope of the Guntur volcano in West Java, commenced at theendof 1974 with New Zealand aid. Drilling was conducted within a low resistivity area of the Kamojang field where five shallow wells ranging from 60 to 128 m. in depth had been drilled before the war. The result was one successfull well which was drilled to 66 meters and which is still discharging steam at the present time.Later, detailed scientific exploration of the area was resumed. A light truckmounted rig, the Failing 2000 DMX, was used to drill to an average depth of 700 meters. An alternating sequence of volcanic tuffs, andesites, breccia andesites and hydrothermally altered rocks was penetrated.Two of the five wells driUed discharged steam after opening, wpile two others are on test. One well failed due to 9 low permeabilitiy of the formation. An attempt is being made to collect and record well data as muqh as possible before producing the bores by thoroughly testing and sampling all the wells. Further development of the field and the setting up of an electrical powerplant on the site is justified.

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