
Huff and Puff Study: Optimize Huff and Puff Application by Identifying Steam Distribution Profile in commingled Production Wells

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 33rd Ann. Conv., 2009

Huff and Puff is one thermal EOR methods that is applied in heavy oil field to achieve a higher recovery factor. Batang is a heavy oil field that was discovered in 1975, this field, under Bangko AMT, has two formations - Duri and Bekasap FM - and most wells produce commingled, from both formations. Commingled Huff and Puff (H&P) jobs have been conducted with resulting production increments, since it was first applied as an EOR method in Batang Field. Lately, however, H&P applications have delivered a decline in their performance response. Considering the steep operational costs required for an H&P job, it is important to identify problems, conduct comprehensive analyses and generate recommendations to improve future H&P performance. In this study, several temperature surveys, using Capillary tubes and Fiber Optics, were carried out to detect steam distribution profiles during commingled H&P jobs. Steam distribution profiles indicate where the steam goes, which sand(s)/formation are heated optimally, and what factors affect the steam distribution during the commingled H&P job. This is the first temperature survey initiative carried out in Batang Field. For a trial, three wells were chosen, based on several criteria (e.g. completion type, permeability and porosity value between sands/formation in subject well, open perforation height, rat hole, and current production). These wells are used to observe how completion type, permeability, and open perforation height might affect the steam distribution during a commingled H&P job. Based on temperature survey results and considering reservoir, production, and geological data, several conclusions were obtained. Recommendations and conclusions from this study will be used to achieve improved H&P performance in the future. The lessons learned might also be applicable to other heavy oil fields that use commingled H&P as a thermal EOR method.

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