
Innovation for conventional hydrocarbon exploration with audio magnetotelluric method

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

The seismic reflection method has been a highly successful method in oil and gas exploration. However, seismic exploration is relatively expensive and has its limitations in certain geologic and environments. High resistivity lithologies, such as limestone, salt, and basalt, frequently interpret the hydrocarbon reservoir, but they are hard to image with seismic data. Over the decades, electromagnetic methods (EM) have been applied to petroleum industry, especially Magnetotelluric that has become used in hydrocarbon exploration. The lack of seismic resolution has been provided by EM sounding techniques and the cost of EM is quite low compared with seismic survey. In this research, we modeled petroleum systems using Audio Magnetotelluric (AMT) data with a frequency range 0.1–10 KHz. On the other hand, we carried out AMT measurements for hydrocarbon exploration in the East Java regency of Bojonegoro, Kawengan field. The hydrocarbon reservoirs were successfully modeled with AMT data and this could help seismic surveys to detect hydrocarbon reservoirs effectively to remarkably improve drilling successes. Keyword: Audio Magnetotelluric, Hydrocarbon, Exploration

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