
Integrated Digital Surveillance for Reservoir Management

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 41st Ann. Conv., 2017

One of the challenges in oil and gas industry is to improve HC recovery and maximize asset value. Recovery optimization is therefore a growing issue with significant capital investment for technology and workforce development. With more complex production challenges, data management is required to support engineering works. One of the solutions is by integrating reservoir, wellbore and facilities surveillance to perform day-to-day monitoring which requires a combined skill sets between system engineering and petroleum engineering. The integration captures real time field data and automates various engineering workflows through a digitalized surveillance tool. The tool allows reservoir engineers to easily identify underperforming wells, promptly intervene and provide engineering recommendation. It is occupied with dashboard for online monitoring from the field instruments and data trending. This integrated surveillance digitalization has improved engineers productivity, historical data reliability, and data reporting quality which provides more efficient reservoir surveillance and management.

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