
Integrated Managed Pressure Drilling Planning and Deployment for Deepwater Drilling in Offshore Bali - Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 41st Ann. Conv., 2017

A deep-water exploration well was drilled north of Bali in 2016 by Kangean Energy Indonesia (KEI) using a Floater – Semisubmersible Dynamic Positioned rig which was completed with a Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) piping system interface and spacing allocated for MPD. The potential narrow pressure window and possibility of a kick / loss event at the targeted carbonate zone drove the requirement of MPD technology application to drill this well. Two types of Rotating Control Device (RCD) installation in deep-water applications are driven by the RCD installation position. Above Tension Ring (ATR) RCD is commonly applied when limited space-out exist at the moon-pool area. Sometimes a mud funnel is required above the RCD to compensate for the inability to install a slip joint between the RCD and rig diverter whenever it is open to atmosphere RCD without the Bearing Assembly commenced. On the other hand, Below Tension Ring (BTR) RCD installation requires more space-out between the RCD and rig diverter with the advantage of the capability to connect the top RCD flange and rig diverter by means of a slip joint. BTR installation promotes advancement in recent years by improving the MPD Riser Pressure Control System with additional choke, kill, booster and conduit lines into the system, producing a more reliable and simpler installation process, named Integrated MPD system. Drilling design, weather condition, riser configuration, rig type and overall economics guide the MPD selection phase. The new Integrated MPD system was selected to be deployed to support the drilling operation with high potential of a narrow pressure window and loss circulation. The system Integrated MPD saved online rig-up time compared to its predecessor, kept the existing rig well control line up requirement, supported the higher flow rate and enhanced operations safety, apart from its common MPD capabilities. The well reached target depth efficiently and safely with the MPD technique. This paper will elaborate on the detail of the Integrated MPD system project planning, MPD technology selection process, rigging up for execution and the benefits of using the MPD system to drill a deep-water well in conjunction with an MPD ready rig.

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