
Integrity of CO2 injection well for carbon capture storage execution based on Norsok D-010

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is the effort of capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) and storing it into a porous rock formation. An injection well is needed to inject CO2 deep underground into rock formations. During injection of CO2, the injection well will face corrosion problems because the CO2 reacts with the casing or tubing. One candidate to inject the CO2 is an existing temporary abandoned exploration well. Further studies should be conducted to prevent well problems during CO2injection with a predetermined injection rate. This study is focused on the integrity of the temporary abandoned exploration well as a CO2 injection well. The integrity of the existing temporary abandoned exploration well will be evaluated with NORSOK (Norskokkelskonkurranseposisjon)– the competitive standing of the Norwegian offshore sector) D-010, which is the standard developed by the Norwegian petroleum industry that defines guidelines and minimum requirements relating to the well integrity in drilling and well operations. This paper modeling the corrosion rate that will occur at the existing temporarily abandoned exploration well when CO2 is injected. This model uses Electronic Corrosion Engineer (ECETM) software and this is a tool used by corrosion or materials engineers to evaluate important aspects of corrosion control and materials selection. The corrosion model of CO2 injection on the existing temporarily abandoned exploration well will be limited by a predetermined injection rate and the durability of the casing or tubing evaluated by the ECETM. The results of this study can be used to determine whether the existing temporary abandoned exploration well can be modified as a CO2 injection well or not. Furthermore, the study provides recommendations for the temporary abandoned exploration well that will be applied as CO2 injection well for CCS application based on the NORSOK D-010 evaluation and corrosion rate model.

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