
Investigation of Water Shut Off (WSO) Effectivity Using Polymer Cross-linker in The Near Wellbore

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 43rd Ann. Conv., 2019

Water production is one of the biggest problems commonly found in oil wells that have been producing for a long time. This study included an analysis of the application of the water shut off method using polymer-crosslinker in the MIA field. Geographically, this field is located in the Central Sumatera basin. Since the field is associated with excessive water production issue, a water shut off (WSO) job comes as a promising option to overcome this problem. One of the WSO methods is crosslinker polymer injection, which is the action of blocking water from entering and reaching production wells by using a mixture of polymer, crosslinker agent and water. Twenty-four injection scenarios varied based on polymer concentrations, including 5000 ppm, 7000 ppm, 11000 ppm and 15000 ppm. Each of these concentration schemes is simulated using different injection flow rates for the total injection volume of 2000 bbl. The injection rate variation are 1000 bbl / day with twice injection and 2000 bbl / day with one injection. Then, the scenario varied based on the soaking time, including one day, two days and three days. The comparison of the water production before and after the WSO in each scenario then used to investigate the effectivity of WSO. The results showed that the application of the WSO in the MIA field could decrease water production by 159,121 to 179,226 bbl. In the MIA field, the most effective WSO scenario is a scenario with 5000 bbl polymer concentration, 3 days soaking time, and 2000 bbl / day injection rate.

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