
Investment Analysis of Offshore Windfarms as an Alternative Energy Source for Oil Rig Generators

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

According to data released by the World Resources Institute (WRI) in Washington DC, Indonesia is the 6th highest country in the world in terms of carbon dioxide emissions, with 1.98 billion tonnes of CO2 emissions per year. This is the reason Indonesia should start considering alternatives to conventional energy. As we know, oil and gas is produced offshore in Indonesia on platforms that use diesel turbines which are expensive to operate. Hence, solutions are required to solve this problem by using alternative sources of energy such as wind power. Offshore wind turbine may thus be an economic and environmentally safe option. Although Offshore wind turbine (OWT) have already existed since 1990, due to lack of technology development on renewable energy, this early programme is categorized as relatively expensive and inefficient for fulfilling the massive demand of the Oil and Gas industry. Since early 2000s, the development of offshore wind turbine has grown fast, including the maximum range from onshore, the type of generator used and the method to transmit the power. In order to achieve a final analysis outcome, this paper consist of an analysis of: OWT general design, OWT’s turbine total load, OWT total project cost, and OWT LCOE value. From this analysis, we can determine OWT’s total life cycle that leads to our overall conclusions and a result of an investment in OWT. This can determine if OWT is really an answer for the next generation of a reliable Offshore Rig power source of energy, replacing existing Steam and Diesel Generators economically.

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