
Jabung Block Exploration Through Time, Discoveries and Challenges

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., Technical Symposium, Indonesia Exploration: Where From - Where To, 2016

A series of “discoveries” occured in the northern part of the South Sumatra Basin in the early 1970’s, quite before the award of the Jabung PSC in 1993. Some old wells are located in the central part of the (economic) discovery’s structures, currently producing oil-and gas. At the scale of the block, the fields of the Jabung PSC show a variety of hydrocarbon distribution both in term of areal extension and vertically, in complex reservoir structures, and also considering other elements of the petroleum system. After an initial phase, the production in the block increased sharply, to more than 50,000 mmboe, the plateau production has been steady for more than 10 years. Through time, the gas production is now dominating, with over 80% of the total production, while the oil production declined to 20% from the initial 100% in the block. Most recently, exploration discoveries became more challenging in consideration of various elements: deeper targets, deceiving results (a second delineation well targeting the basement was dry), more stratigraphic plays to explore, higher presence of CO2 and H2S (tested in some wells) not to consider the current oil and gas prices. Moreover the block is about to expire within few years. All those elements influence the programs and an adequate planning of the operations.

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