
Land 3D acquisition techniques related to S.E. Asian situation

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 10th Ann. Conv., 1981

Since the introduction of land 3D techniques as an exploration/exploitation tool for hydrocarbon detection in the mid 70's their value has been demonstrated in a variety of geologic situations. ranging from structural delineation to complex overthrusts to salt domes to reefal environments and recent extension into extraction of stratigraphic information. Acquisition techniques have been developed for collection of seismic information in most environmental conditions from Arctic ice to jungle to mountainous terrain to shallow water.This paper summarises the 3D concept with a review of some recent applications and discusses the various available techniques, their constraints and application to the S.E. Asian situation stressing the economic and technical advantages to be obtained from 3D application as an integral part of an exploration and/or development program.

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