
Lost circulation fiber based on cement spacer as alternative solution to combat lost circulation, case study

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 38th Ann. Conv., 2014

Lost circulation (LC) is one of the major problems that operating companies face on a regular basis during drilling. Lost circulation (or lost returns) is defined as the total or partial loss of drilling fluids or cement slurries into highly permeable zones, cavernous formations, and fractures or fractures induced during drilling or cementing operations. However, currently there are no solutions on the market that provide a consistent solution to these dangerous and costly situations. The need to improve conventional practices of combating lost circulation while drilling has been identified as a major task for creating a new superior solution. LC fiber based solution is a high performance and cost-efficient lost-circulation remedy for curing losses caused by natural fractures with the fracture width up to 5mm. The fiber system is designed for use in water-based fluids to cure lost circulation. The fiber system can be deployed in a spacer ahead of cementing or in a spotting pill during drilling. This solution disperses readily in water-base fluids and is fully compatible with standard surface mixing and pumping equipment when used within the recommended concentrations. It has also been demonstrated that the fiber solution can be pumped through qualified drill bits, Measurement-While-Drilling (MWD) tools and float shoes with specified pill formulations. The case study consisted of 1 pill of Lost Circulation Material Fiber Based (20 bbl) was successfully executed as a spacer ahead. As a result of the operation, we achieved full returns while cementing and good cement bond in prospective zone. This paper describes the process of candidate selection, design and optimization of pills with fibers as well as actual placement and the results achieved from a number of such treatments performed with Pertamina.

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