
Managing Observation Reports for Incident Prevention Through Development of Computer-Based Application in Energi Mega Persada

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 40th Ann. Conv., 2016

Behavioral based observation program have been widely adopted within oil and gas industry and Energi Mega Persada (EMP) has also implemented these observation programs in five different business units for the past five years. The programs have been running well within the scope of each operating companies (asset management teams) however different system, reporting channels and tools were in place. Each asset managed and analyzed their observation report individually. The prerequisite for accurate analysis of emerging unsafe actions or conditions are becoming increasingly essential for development of effective incident prevention programs and it should be implemented at each asset management team. An in-house computer-based application was developed to unify the observation reporting channels, automated administration and monitoring process by making a link to each report analysis and it is accessible by responsible parties that enabling immediate and effective following up of the observations. The application is named SIAP a short for SHE Information and Awareness Program, it also means Ready in English. The system back-office modules were developed to record, monitor and analyze Training Hours, Corrective Actions and emerging unsafe behavioral trends within required time frames and for each individual asset or the whole organization in general. The system is accessible from smartphone as additional reporting channel. The quick results of preliminary analysis are now accessible by the management on daily basis as an input for decision-making, reviewing and ensuring of high leading indicators.

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