
Morphotectonic Analysis of Tanjung Bungo Area Based on Geological Structure Control, Central Sumatera Basin

Proceedings Title : Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association, Digital Technical Conference, 14-17 September 2020

Tectonic activity in an area could result in various impacts such as changes in elevation, level of slope percentages, river flow patterns and systems, and the formation of geological structures both locally and regionally, which will form a new landscape. The tectonic activity also affects the stratigraphic sequences of the area. Therefore, it is necessary to study morphotectonic or landscape forms that are influenced by active tectonic activities, both those occur recently and in the past. These geological results help provide information of the potential of natural resources in and around Tanjung Bungo area. Morphological data are based on three main aspects including morphogenesis, morphometry, and morphography. The data are collected in two ways, the first is field survey by directly observing and taking field data such as measuring geological structures, rock positions, and outcrop profiles. The second way is to interpret them through Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and aerial photographs by analyzing river flow patterns and lineament analysis. The field measurement data are processed using WinTensor, Dips, and SedLog Software. The supporting data such as Topographic Maps, Morphological Elevation Maps, Slope Maps, Flow Pattern Maps, and Lineament Maps are based on DEM data and are processed using ArcGis Software 10.6.1 and PCI Geomatica. Morphotectonically, the Tanjung Bungo area is at a moderate to high-class level of tectonic activity taken place actively resulted in several joints, faults, and folds. The formation of geological structures has affected the morphological conditions of the area as seen from the development of steep slopes, structural flow patterns such as radial, rectangular, and dendritic, as well as illustrated by rough surface relief in Tanjung Bungo area. This area has the potential for oil and gas resources as indicated by the Telisa Formation, consisting of calcareous silts rich in planktonic and benthonic fossils, which may be source rocks and its contact with the Menggala Formation which is braided river system deposits that could be good reservoirs. Further research needs to be done since current research is only an interpretation of surface data. Current natural resources being exploited in Tanjung Bungo region are coals. The coals have thicknesses of 5-7 cm and are classified as bituminous coals.

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