
New Insights into the North Makassar Basin: Revitalizing the Data Brings New Prospectivity

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 40th Ann. Conv., 2016

The North Makassar Basin is an offshore sub-basin of the Kutei basin. The Kutei basin is widely recognized as one of the most prolific basins in Indonesia, with at least 22 bboe discovered up until 2006 (Ibrahim, et al., 2006) and a further 2 bboe discovered since then. Initial exploration targeted shelfal plays, but Unocal discoveries in the beginning of 2000 have since led to a shift in focus into deep water environments. The Makassar MC3D dataset has been acquired by PGS MultiClient in 3 stages between 1999 and 2001, ending in approximately 8229 sqkm of full fold area - this dataset, partly funded by Unocal, left an immediate imprint on the exploration in the area, leading to new discoveries by ENI of Jangkrik (2009) and Jangkrik North-East (2011) - with combined resources of 2.3 TCF gas in place and Merakes (2014) – with at least 2 TCF gas in place. The dataset has been refreshed in 2012. The reprocessing, including techniques unavailable in 2002 (the year of original processing) including 3D-SRME and High Resolution Radon Demultiple focused on multiples and multiple diffractions elimination – this led to significant improvement in Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and interpretability. Subsequent reservoir characterization/inversion work demonstrates remaining potential for untapped resources.

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