
Offshore CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) Distribution Using Pandawa Barge Coselle to Incrase Indonesia’S Domestic Gas Logistic Deployment

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 43rd Ann. Conv., 2019

Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is a natural gas that compresses into 20-25 MPa which mostly contain methane CH�4 CNG which is used in the industrial or household sectors as combustion fuel. However, the consumption of domestic natural gas itself is far too low compare to fuel oil. One of the main reasons is the difficulty of offshore transportation and distribution infrastructure. To increase Indonesia natural gas consumption is to optimize natural gas offshore distribution especially CNG. With Indonesia; relatively shallow water of approximately 300 - 1000 meters, distribution using barge ships seems promising, in this case using Pandawa design in ITS with COSELLE storage technology with a structure pipe length 21 kilometers and diameter of 6 inches able to transport 710-ton CNG. In this current study, the analysis of vessel motion has been performed to identify its characteristics in waves, followed by the evaluation on its operability in Indonesian seas. General risk management and economic analysis criteria as applied for storage vessels are also considered in this analysis. According to this analysis, Pandawa COSELLE storage technology decrease operation costs by 30% and time by 20% compared to bulk carriers due to low OPEX of barge ships and that the carried CNG is ready for use without reprocessing. Maximum vessel motion response occurs in roll motion for the coming direction of the wave 90 � at 8,031 �. Besides that, Maximum motion response also occurs in pitch movements for direction of arrival of waves 135 � and 180 � respectively 3.6 � and 4,003 �. This surpassed the stability standard of storage vessels. Therefore, this idea was created as a solution for the initial steps for the utilization of domestic natural gas distribution.

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