
Pertagis (Pertamina Gis), The Journey to One Map Pertamina to Support The Borderless Operation Excellence of Sub Holding Upstream

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 46th Ann. Conv., 2022

The development of PERTAGIS (PERTAMINA GIS), a Geospatial Information System is one response to the new restructuring challenge of PERTAMINA Sub Holding Upstream (SHU) within the regionalization framework which significantly changes the operating model and asset management. To avoid geospatial data silos, the concept of data integration is very necessary for smooth, effective and efficient decision making because the data presented is unlimited & comprehensive, including in terms of analysis. In addition, as part of the Digital Transformation SHU program, this system is designed in accordance with the Indonesian government's laws and regulations (Kebijakan Indonesia Satu Peta) with the aim of integrating national geospatial data owned by all ministries into the SIGN (Sistem Informasi Geospasial Nasional). However, this massive integration of some existing portal & applications with various specifications, huge data volumes, disparate databases, different data structures and owned by many entities is being a big challenge in establishing an agile proven system among multiple entities and functions within SHU, regions & zones as a whole. For this reason, it is officially necessary to prepare a blueprint document as the road map of ongoing system development which includes 5 key components, namely strategy, governance, data & technology, engagement and skills development, when fully well-developed and implemented would help establish a vision and path for an organization's success and transformation leveraging geospatial resources in a complex system with evolving priorities to business goal and business challenging of SHU and PERTAMINA in general.

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