
Pipeline network sustainability: building synergy between oil and gas industry and other industries in East Kalimantan

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 35th Ann. Conv., 2011

The East Kalimantan Pipeline Network plays an important role in delivering hydrocarbons from upstream fields to LNG plant and domestic commercial sites, manufacturing fertilizers and chemicals. The transmission consists of trunklines and pipelines for more than 1,000 km with diameter size of 6 - 42 and operating pressure up to 1,000 psig in East Kalimantan. Area coverage stretches along 120 km from Handil (southern area) until Bontang (northern area) through onshore and river crossings.The continuity and the safety of this hydrocarbon delivery are very important and critical, considering of high pressure hydrocarbons pipeline and causing high risks of danger. Instead of internal and external corrosion problem, one study showed that the main factor causing damage of the pipes is due to nontechnical aspect or socio-human activity along the pipeline, including construction and population activities.Approaching to the sustainable business concept of “triple bottom line, the operator success of gas deliverability is not only depends on economic or production aspect. It also includes on how success the operator manages the social and environmental issues. Undoubtedly, the relationship between the operator with communities (local and domestic business) and government agencies are highly relevant.Many efforts have been performed by the operator to establish the pipeline network sustainability. It covers many activities, such as ROW integrity program, road crossing guideline development and agreements for industry, legal compliance, and other related CSR program. The crossing guideline of oil and gas pipeline in East Kalimantan itself was the first ever developed and published in Indonesia. These continuous and still on-going efforts are considerably successful in supporting of more than 35 years uninterruptible operations of East Kalimantan Pipeline Network.

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