
Post Start-Up Model Calibration before Ramp-Up Deepwater Gas Condensate Field to Peak Rate

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 41st Ann. Conv., 2017

Prior to the field development phase, an integrated reservoir network model was developed to provide steady-state simulation for well performance prediction, erosion/flux analysis, flow assurance analysis, and long-term forecasting. In the early development stage, many assumptions were still included in the model due to the lack of DST and core measurement data from exploration wells. Several parameters such as flow correlation, choke correlation, and gravity/friction coefficient were mainly based on general correlation or analogue. This adds uncertainties to the reliability of well and tank performance prediction. This paper outlines the model calibration process against the actual data, in preparation for final ramp up to the peak rate after the well initial start-up had been completed. There are four (4) elements in the model in which calibration took place: tank, well, choke, and network (flowline-riser). Once the model was fully calibrated, short-term prediction simulation was performed to simulate the ramp up operation, predict operating conditions at peak rates to ensure that all critical parameters would still be within the recommended limits based on the updated erosion/flux/flow assurance analysis. Ramp-up operations to reach peak rate were successfully commenced in early October 2016 without incident. To ensure the integrity of the entire production system and avoid any flow assurance problems in the system, the final operating condition was verified from the lower completion to the topsides, to operate within the allowable limits as predicted by the calibrated model.

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