
Potential field data acquisition and interpretation supporting exploration activities in the West Timor PSC area

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 38th Ann. Conv., 2014

The West Timor PSC is a frontier area for hydrocarbon exploration, characterized by an extremely complex geology and a challenging operational environment. The acquisition of a new set of Airborne Potential Field data and its integration with conventional G&G datasets has enhanced the local geological and geophysical knowledge and led to a more effective planning of exploration strategies, and the establishment of a way forward the exploration of the PSC. Following a feasibility study, an acquisition pattern layout design has been defined. Acquisition parameters have been based on the geological framework of the area (as derived from available G&G data). High resolution Gravity and magnetic data was acquired by SGL in November 2012. Special methodologies supported by eni proprietary software tools, and data integration allowed reconstructing and distinguishing structural patterns and major fault systems at different depths, enhancing the geological and geophysical knowledge of the investigated area. Modeling supported by vintage seismic data allowed defining basement architecture and prospective structural features. Finally, the resulting geo-structural model was used to de-risk the acquisition outline of a new 3D seismic survey. Please note that do to data confidentiality issue, it has not been possible to describe into appropriate details the geo-structural interpretation derived from potential data analysis. For the same reason only small portion of not geo-referenced data examples have been included in the figures. Keywords: West Timor, Potential Data, Gravity and Magnetic data, Structural Geology, Hydrocarbon Exploration

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